After a long wait, Britain's new child asylum seekers are growing up. They are now teenagers, preparing to start the next phase of their lives.
The World Tonight follows two refugee boys and their families as they struggle to adjust to life in Britain.
Sami Droubi was at his job in Coventry City Council's building control office when he got the call that he was expecting a new arrival.
"It was a very exciting moment. I never thought I'd be a father before I was 25," he says.
With Sami now the proud father of two daughters, their mother came to Britain from Turkey 10 years ago.
In 2002, Sami was working as a freelance carpenter, and had just split up with his first wife.
"She left him with a two-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy," he says. "I still remember that day, when the court said that I could see my children."
His first wife brought the children to Britain when he had just started his second job. "I couldn't have taken care of them," he says.
His first child's arrival meant he had to quit his job, so he went back to work as an apprentice carpenter.
"I worked in a factory and then I became a carpenter and I built houses and doors and windows."
The family was "very happy" in Coventry, he says. But things started to change in 2006, when his job was axed.
"The council where I worked decided to cut the wages of the workers," he says. "The workers had to save money to save their homes."
For a family like the Droubis, that meant drastically cutting back on everything.
"We didn't have any food in the house," says Sami.
"We bought bread once a week, if we could afford it."
He says that, for a time, the family lived on bread, water and pasta, with the occasional dhal.
It was during that period that Sami met the other refugee boy who is the subject of this report.
"I'm the kind of person who looks at all the problems in front of me and I get on with it. But it was very difficult," he says.
"Because for every meal, I had to look at the floor and start thinking about what to do in the next 20
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